Showing posts with label In the beginning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In the beginning. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2012

Um... So... There's been a few changes...

Please accept these lemon meringue cupcakes as my apology.

If you're new around here you may not have noticed, but I've changed the name of the blog.  I've also changed its focus.  Originally, I wanted to investigate whether it was cheaper to cook at home or to go out to fast food places. I quickly ran into a problem: I don't eat at too many fast food places.
Not because I'm too good for them, anyone that has seen me with a plate of french fries knows that isn't true. I don't eat there because I'm trying (struggling? fighting? watching it with a plate of cookies?) to lose weight.
I'm trying to find a place to balance my love of most things culinary with staying healthy.  Sometimes that balance loses out to a box of Milk Duds, but I live to fight another day.
Phew! Glad we got that out of the way because, while it may come up occasionally, I don't want this blog to be about my weight loss journey.  I want it to be about the art and science of food!
I will continue to do an occasional price comparison (keep an eye out for my whipped cream price-off); but I will also be including tips on how to shop for food, trying out new recipes, cooking tips, and whatever else comes up.
If you guys have questions about something food related I would love to answer them in blog form.
So relax, sit back, and unbuckle your belt.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

""Begin at the beginning,", the King said, very gravely..." - Alice in Wonderland

I hold a lot of opinions not based on facts and I don't want to deprive the world of my insane rantings.  As I understand it, that is what blogs are good for, right?
In all seriousness, I often cook at home, but a lot of people don't.  Their theory being that eating at home is more expensive than eating out, and that it is time consuming.  It really doesn't have to be.  I'm a notorious procrastinator and am able to whip up a lot of meals right before my husband comes home (and realizes that I've spent most of the day on Pinterest - don't judge). 
The main reason for this blog is to explore the theory of whether or not it's more expensive to eat out or to eat at home.  And, what is the real time commitment.
Let me be clear: I have nothing against fast food.  I know it's not always good for you, but I'm not going to look down on folks that eat it.  I enjoy a Chipotle Burrito Bowl just as much as the next person, but there are other options.  Here in New York, a trip to Chipotle for two can quickly cost you over $20.  That's for one meal.  Granted, it's Chipotle and will put you in a food coma for hours, but is that really sustainable for folks on a budget?
While that is the focus of the blog there will be other topics.  I love me some food!  I'm originally from New Orleans.  Love of food is in my DNA. 
So, let us begin at the beginning. Shall we?